Manaus Santarem

Thank you so much for your contact!!!We have availability boats
Manaus/Santarem on every day except on sundays the boat departure at 12:00
at noon,you should be
onboard 2 hours before the boat departure.

The trip takes about 26hrs from Manaus/Santarém. The trip it is wonderful
but we recommend you bring fruits,breads,snacks to eat on board the food
On the boat it is good but pretty much the same every day.

You will spend per day and per person about R$50,00 with the 3 meals
daily,the accommodation are:

R$ for maximo 2 people- Suíte with AC,shower,toilet,private
bathroom,private shower.

R$ price per person for overnight in hammocks but the hammack you
should bring apart.

The boat will make a quick stop in a village only for delivery of some
products then go on to Santarém.

On the day that the boat departs from Manaus we pick you up at the hotel
and bring you to the boat to make sure you are onboard.

For booking we require your full name,dates,nationality,any additional
information and the payment via to the following .


Thank you so much for your contact,


We hope to hear from yousoon.

Leonardo Mendes
Amazing Tours

Leonardo Mendes / +55 92 99186-7133

Amazing Tours Agency
+55 92 41019081
Rua Hidra Santa Luzia, 53
Antiga Santa Luzia ao lado da Gemattur Transporte